The WiFi all of a sudden goes phut
Only when I write poetry, it vanishes everytime
Throwing my plans totally Kaput
Cutting access to Google, disabling
validation of the compelling rhyme
Make no mistake, to my attention pay close heed
It isn’t any plagiarism that you may assume
Assistance to vet the written word is all I need
To publish a poem under my yet to be chosen Nom De Plume
I wasn’t too well, so I decided to work from home
The internet speed courtesy ACT Fibernet was
incredibly top notch
Just until an indispensable skype call with my manager in
In five minutes, the meeting was rendered a total botch
An eleventh hour trip, necessitated a vital Tatkal ticket
The IRCTC site stayed open since 30 minutes on my laptop
I almost latched onto the one lone ticket courtesy the heaven-sent
The power deserted me, in despair I sat with furrowed
Amazon's Big Billion sale shattering the raison d'ĂȘtre of utilitarianism
Staggering discounts lined up across wide
arrays of product categories
Waiting to be gleefully lapped up by
ravenous Indian consumerism
Yours truly, no exception, testifying to
such sacred theories
One deal in particular caught the
sycophant's eye
An OnePlus 6T Mobile, effectively
marketed, I chose to chase
A Flat 50% price drop, an almost
unthinkable pie in the sky
Was the talk of the town and garnered
high intent to purchase
The preposterous offer would last for
quarter of an hour to be exact
Heavy traffic as expected. All roads led
to the product link
Staying resolute, I braved network latency and navigated intact
To add the treasured object of desire to
the cart and checkout at the very brink
So with all set to go, and just the online payment
I whipped out my credit card in a flourish, ready to gloat
I whipped out my credit card in a flourish, ready to gloat
This is where Murphy's Law once again in my candid reckoning
Came to the fore, as proceedings struck a
jarring note
I had finished typing the Sixteen Sweet numerals
Of the only big number I have never found
arithmetically obtuse
In all rarity, firmly entrenched in the
cerebral annals
When with one tiny click away, phaaatttt,
conked out the friggin fuse
"Technology will evade you, I couldn’t
care less if you don’t condone
When you need it the most, and this is
the most vicious construct
Of my quintessential cornerstone"
Defiantly declares Mr. Murphy's appalling code of conduct
I laud the Non-partisan display of
And uxoriousness of Mr. Murphy and his
To his two wonderful wives – WiFi and
But I loathe, being the chosen specimen
for his repugnant experiments
To reify his veritably mystic yet
ineluctable postulates
While I endeavor to ally with his select
army of apostates!