Saturday, 29 December 2018

The Monthly Elixir

It’s a seemingly unrelenting and unremitting
Wait for the impending inflow of my monthly elixir
When it does quintessentially ooze in, I revere it like a souvenir
According it a grandstand arrival totally befitting
As thirty days of penance comes to a fruition
To hail the red letter day thru a red carpet reception

Bearing on his neck the poundage of a dead albatross
Just like the weary ancient mariner
I too cut a rather sorry figure
And I too have a rhyme to narrate, adding no gloss
Stop by if you care to hear lamentations in pain
Or by all means gently pass by if you choose to refrain

The moisture capping the coastal sands
Hope to linger a fleeting second more
As the lashing waves on the shore
Retreat into the waters kissing the tearful lands
Just as the villainous breeze sweeps away the moisture
Likewise my fugacious bank balance faces the impending gallows of expenditure

In periodic segmentations, my money hopelessly dissipates
By the 5th, a quarter, thru the monthly rent and maintenance
Already wiping out my cheery countenance
By the 10th, another quarter emancipates
Itself from the wretched account, popularly known
As EMIs of the educational loan

Half my income vanishes in effortless dissolution
In half a month, as I find myself clamouring for a fortnight's oxygen
Woefully wallowing within the contours of my salaried smidgen
As my heart hopes to seek new avenues of remuneration
The likes of home internet reimbursements and the modest Sodexo pass
Subsist but meagre commiserative emoluments not helping the impasse

As liquid cash gushes out like a foaming waterfall
With no end to the rainy season in sight
My wallet paints a picture of deplorable plight
Shred to pieces, no one to hear its pitiful bawl
Lies the poor, black, square tattered ragamuffin
As a barrage of invoices is hammered into its coffin

I however do pander to occasional indulgences of recreative diversion
The odd movie or two, or to procure an utterly useless gadget
Violating the sacrosanct rule book of my shoe string budget
Which serves to remind that I am still Homo Sapien
Between taxing shopping rigmaroles to SPAR
Topped by embarkations on holy pilgrimages to ATMs near and afar

The rusted debit card edges which bore the brutal onslaught
Stand out as wounds of valour in the epic battle of 'Sustenance Eke'
While my overheads surmount peak after peak
By the end of the month, I am singularly fraught
As quarter after quarter passes with no promotion in sight
A plethora of unfulfilled promises have turned daylight into night

As the final week wearily trudges towards the finishing line
Streaks of light gratefully appear at the distant end of the dark passage
The day eventually arrives, an ointment applied to assuage
Typically day number Thirty or one less at Twenty Nine
When the employer graciously refills my parched coffers
"Poor chap lets atleast keep him alive while he suffers"

Salary day is the only day, looking back in retrospection
Have I looked forward to in Sixty Three months of corporate melancholy
As a heady concoction of blood, sweat, toil and tears lies in the trolley
To a lower form of existence, I have yielded to, in candid introspection
Nonetheless, this one day I will cheer for the nonce, casting aside my throes
The ineluctable cycle will resume tomorrow to spin its monthly quota of woes  

So the rent, the cable, the…Right I won’t go all over it now again!
But moans and sobs will soon start to reign
Morbid ruminations whether I choose to talk or feign
Will fall on deaf ears, and eventually flow down the drain
As efforts to augment my paltry savings go in vain
Bill after bill will continue to rain down with disdain

Will the memories ever fade?

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