Wednesday 11 April 2018

A Brief History of Two Years

Sitting at my desk, the emails I frisk
Weary and bedraggled by corporate chore
Clock winds down and Outlook closes
As I ain't got much to explore

I grab a cuppa and stroll down to the window
To stare at the wide expanse of Financial District
Offices dot the plateau'd landscape
And cars wind down roads that constrict

The mind I allow to wander
As it takes a peek into the complex past
Memories galore - some good, most bad
Time has ticked on pretty fast

2016, April the Eleven,
Join I did the ocean called Amazon
What initially I thought of as the meritocrat's heaven
With opportunities blooming over the horizon

Month by month rolled as I continued
To burn the midnight oil
Plying my trade in this ruthless business
Shedding blood, sweat, tears and toil

Taking on the variety of vicissitudes
The corporate life had to offer
I am in no mood for platitudes
For I continue to suffer

The tougher unscrupled lot marches ahead
Currying favour, as they ingratiate
Forging wrong short cuts to victory
The senior's ego they did satiate

As the straightforward and diligent heart
With no schemes set afoot
Languishes in pain and agony
Starting the game anew albeit on the backfoot

A few things I did realize,
Lessons learnt the hard way
As nothing did materialize
The cruel game I loathe to play

Quarter by quarter passes,
No promotion in sight
As plethora of unfulfilled promises
have turned daylight into night

I take the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
With nobody to pity my plight,
But I will wait for the moment opportune,
And continue the fight with all my might

Late into the night, I pack my bag
Homeward, I embark full of sorrow
To the Almighty I pray and beseech
To give me a better tomorrow

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